


Gynecology services offered in Southfield, MI

Gynecology covers women’s health needs starting in the teenage years and continuing throughout adulthood. At Different Approach Wellness Center in Southfield, Michigan, nurse practitioner Thera Radney, MSN, NP-C, believes that your health is wealth. She specializes in primary care and women’s health using a holistic whole-woman approach. Thera performs screenings, provides immunizations, prescribes birth control, and covers all your unique women’s health needs throughout your life. Call the Southfield, Michigan, office now or request your appointment online.

When do women need to see a gynecology specialist?

Annual women’s wellness visits generally start at age 13-15. These yearly visits are important to monitor and achieve your best health.

If new problems develop, schedule a gynecology appointment between your annual exams. There’s no reason to wait when most women’s health problems are curable and virtually all are treatable.

What can I expect during an annual gynecology appointment? 

Women’s annual exams usually include:

General health exam

A general health exam evaluates your overall health and helps determine which preventive screenings you need.

Pelvic exam

Pelvic exams include a cervical cancer screening (Pap smear), but younger women might not need an internal pelvic exam.

Lab testing

Lab testing, done on-site, can check for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and other infections, like bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections. Testing detects high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and other health problems.

Special testing

Special testing, like mammograms, osteoporosis scans, and electrocardiograms detect disease early. You’ll need these tests as you age.


Immunizations (vaccines, vaccinations) range from the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to flu shots and any other shots you need to protect your health and the health of those around you.

Birth control

Birth control choices are up to you, but you deserve to know all your options. You’ll get all the information needed to make the right choice, along with a prescription and whatever else you need.

Treating ongoing conditions

If you have an ongoing condition, for example, a reproductive disorder like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), recurrent yeast or BV infections, or hormone imbalance (in menopause or at other times), Thera provides the treatment. Available treatments include hormone replacement (HRT).

In addition, you can get specialized support for weight loss, depression, addiction, and other health challenges.

How are gynecology problems treated?

Just as no two patients are the same, gynecology care is personalized to your needs. Thera provides sensitive care curated to every woman’s age and stage in life.

You’re the one who knows your body best, so Thera asks for your thoughts and observations. She gives you a chance to talk and listens attentively.

No matter where you are along your health journey, you can recover and stay healthy with treatment, customized health advice, and education.

Call Different Approach Wellness Center or request your women’s health appointment online today.